Here Are 8 Mental Tricks To Help You Fall Asleep!

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Thankfully, Bustle has compiled a list of eight mental tricks that might help you fall asleep if counting sheep doesn't cut it for you. 

Here they are:

  1. Count backward. Pick a random high number, and count backward from there. 
  2. Try to stay awake. Use reverse psychology and tell your mind to stay awake.
  3. Do a “brain dump.” Write down all your thoughts in a journal before bed to get them out of your head.
  4. Do the 4-7-8 breathing exercise. Inhale through your nose while counting to four, hold your breath for a count of seven, then exhale through your mouth for a count of eight. 
  5. Squeeze and relax your muscles. Starting from your head down to your toes, tighten each muscle for three to five counts, and then relax it.
  6. Make a mental gratitude list. Count all of the things you are grateful for that brought contentment to your day. 
  7. Create a mnemonic to-do list. For example, if you need to Call your mom, Ask a client to pay their overdue balance, Look for the perfect lingerie to wear for the weekend, and Make an appointment with your dentist, then remember the mnemonic C.A.L.M.
  8. Picture a happy scene. Along with calming you down, this visualization may even help give you pleasant dreams.

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