Mandy Moore Opens Up About Finding Love On Instagram

Mandy Moore has opened up about meeting her husband Taylor Goldsmith on Instagram after gushing about his band Dawes on her account. Goldsmith wrote back, and the two eventually went on a date. 

"We have a modern kind of love story," Moore tells InStyle. "But if someone would have told me three years ago, ‘That’s your future husband, and you’re going to meet him through Instagram,’ I would have thought that they were absolutely bonkers. It proves that you have to stay open-minded because you just never know."

Moore goes on to say that she still meets people on social media.

"I’ve met lots of friends on Instagram too," she notes. "We live in such a crazy, exhausting world, I think it’s perfectly logical that this is how we connect with each other. It’s how we all communicate now anyway, so it doesn’t feel weird to me that it’s a way you can find a relationship that will really last."

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