1. Aries March 21 – Patience
Aries are born leaders but you also need to not approach everything as if it has a potential battle and rush to accomplish goals. Aries’ test is to learn patience!
2. Taurus April 21 — Detachment
Taurus is solid, steady and usually good at committing to a plan and staying on track. Taurus you can struggle with life’s obstacles and sometimes react to people far too personally. Your test is to learn detachment.
3. Gemini – Quietness
Gemini you are mentally restless, others see you as someone who knows a lot about different things. Gemini’s test is to learn how to quiet the mind and not get distracted.
4. Cancer – Discernment
Cancers you are nurturing and sensitive. Cancer may be too generous with their need to give and share those nurturing skills with too many. Cancer’s test is to learndiscernment and that not everyone is worthy of their care.
5. Leo – Humility
Leos you are creative, playful and magnetic. You can sometimes see the world around you as a stage and worry about how your performance is seen. You need to learn to when to take a back seat from time to time. Leo needs to learn humility.
6. Virgo – Tolerance
Virgos you are often mentally sharp. You enjoy fixing, solving and resolving things. But you can sometimes be overly critical of others and expect them to have the same standards. Virgos need to learn tolerance.
7. Libra – Decisiveness
Libras because you are balanced and creative, you can naturally see both sides of situations. This can cause Libras to procrastinate when it comes to making a decision. Libras need to learn decisiveness.
8. Scorpio – Forgiveness
Scorpios you are intense, magnetic and sharp. But Scorpios have a history of needing to learn how to overcome. You can get stuck on blaming yourself for mistakes or holding onto anger. Scorpio needs to learn forgiveness.
9. Sagittarius – Restraint
Sagittarius you enjoy sharing your stories and your perspective, even if not asked. This often drives you to always want to take some type of action. So it’s good for Sagittarius to learn restraint.
10. Capricorn – Sociability
Capricorns you are grounded, hardworking, responsible. Yet your responsible nature can make you seem overly cautious, or rigid to others. Capricorns need to learn sociability.
11. Aquarius – Warmth
Aquarius you are someone who think about a lot of important aspects of life. Because of that you avoid being overly emotional. Others may see you as intolerant of your human responses. Aquarius needs to learn warmth.
12. Pisces – Boundaries
Pisces you are sensitive, empathic, and adaptable. Yet your kind, empathic nature can make it easy for people to take advantage you. Pisces you definitely need to learn when to have boundaries.