The 7 Best Long-Distance Apps for Couples
If you’re away from your partner, there’s only so much that texting, FaceTime, you can do for you before you start to get bored. Whether you’re in a long-distance relationship or you just can’t see each other for the time being, there are a lot of free apps out there that let you and your significant other stay in touch and feel close to one another.
Here are the seven best apps for long-distance lovers.
- Couple Game
- To find out if your sig other really knows you this app to access couples quizzes ranging in topics from favorite food, holidays, hobbies, films, music, romance, intimacy, kissing, and more. Whether you’re a new couple or you’ve been together for a while, this easy version of the Newlywed Game will keep you both entertained.
- Between
- both a messenger service and a calendar in one. You can chat with one another, store cute photos together, save important dates like anniversaries or when you’ll see each other next, and also call one another with its free calling feature.
- Love Nudge
- If you are into the five love languages This app is perfect for you. It’s based on the idea of love languages and takes it to the next level by suggesting goals for your partner that you can also customize. Maybe your partner knows that your love language is words of affirmation but could use a light “nudge” (hence the name) to remember to act accordingly. Instead of nagging your partner with “Why don’t you ever compliment me when I’m down?”, Love Nudge sort of game-ifies it to make it fun for both of you to show your care for one another in each of your preferred love languages.
- Gottman Card Decks
- The free app gives you access to 14 card decks with more than 1,000 flash cards, activities like Love Maps to better know your partner, ideas for date night, and cards for improving your intimacy.
- Honi
- This is for couples looking to spice things up sex-wise. Like many of the other apps in this list, it works using card decks that include dares, fantasies, would you rathers, tips, positions, and quizzes to better know each other. There’s also a feature where you can quite literally try to bring your relationship to the “next level” by improving scores in areas like romanticism, sexuality, and communication.
- WhenDo
- If you and your significant are in different time zones, WhenDo is a sleek-looking app that shows you your loved one’s local time easily. Yes you could just pull up the World Clock on your iPhone, but WhenDo is cuter. Plus, you can see a photo of your partner’s face instead of staring at a normal clock