LEO (1)- Leo’s are known for being extremely popular and the life of the party. They're friendly, outgoing, and people love them. One of the best things about a Leo is that they show the same amount of love and loyalty to everyone in their corner

SAGITTARIUS(2)- Sagittarius are a lot of fun. They look forward to life and always add their sense of humor to whatever they are doing. Sagittarius have huge hearts and they are very generous which makes sense why they are so well liked! 

PISCES(3)- A Pisces would do anything for anyone. They are very selfless which makes them very popular. They're usually creative and can help us to see the world from a different perspective. Pisces are social and they get along with everyone which is always an added bonus

ARIES(4)- It's hard not to love Aries because they are so adventurous and they can make almost anything fun. While Aries can be super competitive, this is what usually makes people gravitate to them and want to be their friend  

GEMINI(5)- Geminis can find a common interest with anyone and everyone. They have a special talent of making anyone feel interesting and worthy of themselves. People love Geminis because of their ability to turn anyone's bad mood into a good one! 

LIBRA(6)- Libras tend to be popular because they're very likable. They also take things to heart if someone isn’t their biggest fan because having a lot of friends and being-well liked is important to a Libra!  

AQUARIUS(7)- Aquarians are effortlessly popular meaning people just like them without them having to put too much effort into it. An Aquarius can always make people feel comfortable and feel like they can be their true self. Aquarius is a very supportive friend which makes people want to be around them!

TAURUS(8)- Taurus individuals have a lot of style and they have that ability that just draws people to them. Taurus aren't shy and they like being the center of attention (just like Leo), which is good because they're truly interesting. People love Taurus as long as they don't get into an argument with them. 

CANCER(9)- It's not that Cancers don't have friends or even many friends. They do; it's just that having one or two strong friendships is worth more to them than having a whole crowd of friends. They need to be able to trust the people in their lives and that's a hard task when you're talking about a ton of people. Intimacy and sharing are more important to a Cancer individual than popularity.

CAPRICORN(10)- Capricorns don't have time to be popular — they've got work to do. It's not to say that they don't have friends, they do. Capricorns tend to have a few close friends and consider some of their co-workers (past and present) friends.But Capricorns don't have a natural ability to cultivate new friendships nor do they have the desire to do so. They can come across as stern or even awkward with people they don't know.

VIRGO(11)- Virgos don't sugar-coat anything, so being extremely popular isn't always a good fit for them. Virgos have friends but they're not always instantly likable. They can be harsh and critical which can put potential friends off.It's okay with Virgos if they're not the most popular zodiac sign. They're fairly certain that they're the smartest and that those people who love them, love them for who they are, not a fantasy image of them.

SCORPIO(12)- Scorpio is more about intense, special relationships with a few people than being friends with everybody in sight. A Scorpio would never casually call someone their best friend if they didn't really mean it. Scorpios take their relationships very seriously and would rather have fewer people that they can trust in their life than a whole bunch of people who will use and disappoint them.

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