
Close your ears to criticism today and follow what your heart tells you. Others might warn that you are on the wrong track but if your instincts feel right you must follow them. Your inner voice knows the answers and all you have to do is listen. 


If you join forces with like-minded people there is a really big chance you will reach a goal you could not have reached on your own. It may not be possible for one individual to change the world but anything is possible when several people work together. 


You can do your career prospects a lot of good today, simply by being available when people in positions of power need assistance. Get stuck into whatever problem they confront you with and show you have what it takes to shake things up. 


You will do something today that amazes even the people who know you well. You’re going to have the ability today to sense what needs to be done even before the facts become known. Use that skill to your advantage. 


The more rivals try to intimidate you today the more determined you will be to rise to the challenge. Keep doing what you are doing and keep doing it well. You are close to a course, is what they fear. 


There are times when it is sensible to let other people take the lead and this is one of those times. Don’t worry if friends and loved ones and work colleagues make decisions you think are wrong, because with your help they can be made right again. 


Your everyday routine has gone haywire as of late and now you have to restore order and make sure day-to-day affairs start running smoothly again. Also, anyone who tries to distract you from your long-term goals has to be left behind. They are no good for you right now. 


This is potentially one of the best times of the year, so decide what it is you want to accomplish and then give it your all. Don’t listen to those who say you are aiming too high because they don’t know what they are talking about.


What occurs between now and the weekend will bring issues that you have been trying to avoid. You can’t keep pretending that everything is sunshine and rainbows. Start making changes, whether or not others agree with them. 


Honesty may be the best policy but if you are too honest today you could upset some of your colleagues and turn them against you. On this occasion it might be smart to pretend you haven’t noticed their biggest flaws! 


If you don’t get serious about your money situation, and quickly, you could find yourself having to hunt around for a new source of income. It’s better to cut back on your spending instead- because lets be honest… You don’t need 50 percent of what you buy. 


You’re about to be rewarded for the efforts you have made on behalf of other people. The more time and energy you put into making their lives run smoothly the more the universe will smooth your own path to success.

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