Aries – 

It will pay you to look at life from a wider and more inclusive perspective today. If you only choose to see what you want to see you could miss out on something that has the potential not just to change but to transform your existence.


Don’t wait for other people to give you permission to act. Seize the initiative and make sure everyone knows you are a force to be reckoned with. You will see a boost in both your energy and your ambition today.

Gemini – 

You may not be at your most open and outgoing today but that’s no bad thing. You have given so much of yourself as of late that your physical, mental and emotional energy are going to be severely depleted. Give yourself a day off from your struggles.

Cancer –  

Social events, team efforts and group activities are going to bring all of the good vibes, so don’t sit at home in front of a screen, get out into the world and show your face – and show friends and loved ones you still know what fun is.


Your career plans may be important to you but don’t forget to take loved ones along for the ride in whatever new direction you are planning to go. Their support will be essential if you are going to make a success of your new venture.


Do something exciting and adventurous today, something you have dreamed of doing many times in the past but never quite had the courage to start. You’re going to get hit with with some huge self-belief, so it’s very much now or never.

Libra – 

Avoid wishful thinking at all costs today. It’s fun daydreaming about things that are never going to happen but if you have plans to move up in the world then you need to keep your feet on the ground. Reality is more important than fantasy.

Scorpio – 

The people you interact with today will have plenty to say for themselves, but if you are smart you will take none of it seriously. They are entitled to their opinions, of course, but that does not mean their opinions are relevant to you.

Sagittarius – 

There is a task that needs to be done and no matter how many times you have put it off in the past you must get on with it now. People in positions of authority are watching you closely, so make sure they get the best possible impression.

Capricorn – 

You are going to feel inspired to get out and about and make things happen. Don’t worry if friends and loved ones cannot keep up with you, just blaze a new trail and let them follow if and when they can.

Aquarius – 

Do what you can to help a friend or family member who is struggling with issues that seem trivial to you. Even if you think they are being ridiculously over-emotional you need to at least pretend to show sympathy, because that’s what they need.

Pisces – 

Your attitude toward an issue that has been important to you in the past will change drastically over the next day. Suddenly you can see that it’s not such a disaster after all. Some people have clearly been making a fuss about it for their own benefit.

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