Aries – 

Too many people are wasting too much of your time on trivial matters and you need to send them packing. Focus only on issues that are actually important today. Whoever is giving you issues will be picking up what you put down today.


You are going to be poppin over the next few days- people are going to flock to you but you are under no obligation to get out and about just because other people expect it of you. There is no need to be a people pleaser today.

Gemini –

You have built up a lot of momentum in recent weeks and it should keep you going for some time yet, but get ready for these next few days because you are going to be extremely emotional. 

Cancer – You have gotten a lot done over the last few days but if I’m being honest- it’s only been for yourself, which is fine but it comes off as selfish to the people you love. Today- Make it a goal to help a family member or friend out today if you can. 


You’re not going to be in the mood for socializing today, so go ahead and cancel all of those plans you made. The more background noise there is in your life the less you will be able to get your thoughts in order and right now that needs to be your number one priority.


Your confidence has been at a high but today, there will be times when you doubt yourself for no good reason. Pay them no mind- you’re going to be in good standing for a while so just keep your head down and keep working! 

Libra –

Things that seemed so unfair a day or two ago are now going to be seen as blessings in disguise, so get past your doubts and embrace them. Ultimately, all change is for the good, so remind yourself of that and move confidently.

Scorpio –If you feel you would like to get more deeply involved in a cause that inspires you, right now is the time to give it a go. Don’t be one of those people who sign up and expect everyone else to do the work. 

Sagittarius – 

Just because you believe in yourself doesn’t mean everyone else does too and your main goal today should be to convince someone that you know what you are doing. 

Capricorn –

The most important thing now is that you follow what your conscience tells you rather than what the so-called experts say you should do. If you feel the need to devote yourself to something other people are saying is a waste of time then you should go for it 

Aquarius – Be on your guard when dealing with money matters, because if you trust other people too much you could fall victim to a confidence trick. Never use your own cash to finance other people’s hunches. Point blank period

Pisces – You’re going to feel like the people in your circle are a little too assertive for your liking but the fact is they have the power to call the shots, while the only power you have is choose whether or not to follow their lead. If in doubt, don’t it!

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