PAYTON'S PREDICTIONS: How You Make Bad Decisions

**Aries:** “You’ll dive headfirst into a bad decision and call it ‘living in the moment.’ Regrets? Nah, you’re already onto the next chaotic move.”

**Taurus:** “You’ll make a bad decision out of sheer stubbornness. Like, ‘I know this is wrong, but I’m committed to proving it right.’ Literally unshakable.”

**Gemini:** “your bad decisions come in rapid-fire succession. One minute it’s ‘Let’s do this!’ and the next it’s ‘Wait, did I just…?’ You’ll laugh it off and keep it pushing.”

**Cancer:** “You’ll make a bad decision because it felt right at the time. Later, you’re all curled up with ice cream like, ‘Why do I *do* this to myself?’”

**Leo:** “Makes a dramatic entrance into a bad decision, then somehow gets everyone else involved. It’s like, ‘Yes, this was a disaster, but did you see how I owned it?’”

**Virgo:** “Overanalyzes every little detail until you somehow justify the worst decision ever. Then You’ll spend weeks tweaking it to make it *less* of a mess.”

**Libra:** “you Will let someone else make the decision because you couldn’t decide. But hey, at least you looked cute trying to please everyone.” 

**Scorpio:** “Might make a bad decision just to test the waters. Like, ‘Let’s see how deep I can dive before I hit the bottom.’ They’ll rise from the ashes, though.”

**Sagittarius:** “Their bad decisions usually start with, ‘Wouldn’t it be crazy if…?’ Fast forward to them laughing in the middle of nowhere, thinking, ‘Maybe I didn’t think this through.’”

**Capricorn:** “Will calculate a bad decision into their master plan. Then they’re like, ‘Okay, that didn’t go as planned, but I’m just adding it to my experience points.’”

**Aquarius:** “Will make a bad decision because it’s *different*. Like, ‘Sure, everyone says this is a bad idea, but I’m gonna do it *my way* and see what happens.’ Spoiler: chaos ensues.”

**Pisces:** “Makes a bad decision while lost in a daydream. Then it’s, ‘Oh no, I did *what*? Guess I’ll just swim through the emotional waves until I find shore.’”

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