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Woman Orders Pineapple Pizza, Gets Refusal Note Instead

An Arizona student's viral tweet claims a Tucson pizzeria refunded her $5 and refused to put "gross" pineapple on her pizza.

The student posted a pair of photos to Twitter showing her pineapple-less pizza along with a $5 note taped inside the box and a note that read: 

"Couldn't bring myself to put pineapple on it. That's gross. Sorry."

She said the pizza contained the rest of her requested toppings: chicken, onion, and BBQ sauce. 

She said she called the restaurant to tell them she thought the incident was funny, but she would have rather had the pineapple pizza she ordered.

She said, "They said they'd be happy to compensate me with coupons, but I just let it slide. The $5 was enough!"