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Officer Finds 1-Inch Bolt In His Arby's Sandwich

Birmingham, AL.  police Sgt. Patrick Cosby bit into his Arby's Classic Roast Beef Sandwich and found a 1-inch bolt inside. 

He said he doesn't know if he was targeted as a police officer or whether the bolt accidentally dropped into the meat, but either way said it's unacceptable.

Arby's officials claim it was a machine malfunction.

According to one exec, "After reviewing video footage from our kitchen speaking with our team members, we are confident no one was targeted in this instance. We have a long-standing tradition of supporting our men and women in uniform, and we are currently working with the guest to resolve the matter."

The officer says, "I feel like it was intentional. What are the chances it was an officer that got the 1 -inch bolt in his sandwich? If I were making a sandwich at home, I'd know if a 1-inch bolt was in there. They're not owning up to it."