Today (7/11/17) is 7-Eleven's 90th birthday and what better way to celebrate than to get a free slurpee?
From 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. (get it?) you can stop by at anyone of 7-Eleven's participating chain locations and get a small slurpee.
That's not all, another summer treat is in store for all of us. Starting Wednesday July 12th, 'Slurpee Week' kicks off. Participants who buy at least 7 slurpees through the 7-Eleven app will be awarded a coupon for 11 MORE slurpees.
"7-Eleven Day is a celebration, not only of our birthday, but more importantly, of our customers," Laura Gordon, 7-Eleven's marketing vice president, said in a statement. "Ninety years is a big birthday, and our customers are the ones who got us here."
When 7-Eleven celebrated it's 75th birthday in 2002, free slurpees have been offered every year on July 11th.
To add more to the fun, a new limited-edition Cotton Candy Slurpee is being added to the mix. Now you can choose a variety of flavors including Lemonade, Pepsi and Wild Cherry.