Alden Ehrenreich’s Han Solo takes center stage in the first full-length trailer for Lucasfilm’s highly-anticipated Solo: A Star Ways Story.
The new clip opens with a young Solo explaining that he’s been running scams since he was a kid, was kicked out of a flight academy for “having a mind of my own” and wants to be the best pilot in the galaxy.
He soon meets Woody Harrelson’s new character Tobias Beckett, who asks him to join the new crew he’s putting together a crew.
The trailer also shows off a sparkly new Millennium Falcon, Donald Glover’s too-cool-for-school take on Lando Calrissian and the first look at Emilia Clarke’s Qi'Ra--a childhood friend of Solo's who may be "the only person" who knows the real version of him.
Solo is set to come out May 25.