Alabama college student Walter Carr, who lost his home in Hurricane Katrina, made headlines over the weekend when his car broke down just before his first day of work at the moving company Bellhops--prompting him to walk 20 miles to ensure he made it.
The AP reports that Carr left Homewood at midnight and arrived in Pelham at 4 a.m. Friday. Concerned police officers treated him to breakfast and dropped him off at the home of Jenny Lamey, whose family was moving that day.
The police told her Carr's story and she asked if he wanted to go upstairs and take a nap. Carr declined and began packing.
On Monday, Bellhops CEO Luke Marklin surprised Carr by driving his own car from Tennessee and giving it to his dedicated employee.
Meanwhile, Lamey shared Carr's story on Facebook and started a GoFundMe campaign for him. It has accumulated more than $32,000.