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New Coke Is Coming Back, Thanks To "Stranger Things"

Remember New Coke? Most people would prefer not to. The not-so-original recipe flopped hard back in 1985, but now it's coming back--thanks to the '80s-worshiping Netflix hit, Stranger Things.

The New York Times reports that a limited edition of the old New Coke cans will be available starting on Thursday as part of a promotional campaign related to Stranger Things' upcoming third season, which is set in 1985 and will be available to stream on July 4.

“New Coke was always going to play a role this season,” the show's creators, Matt and Ross Duffer, said in a joint email interview.

“It was one of the first ideas in our Season 3 brainstorm. It was the summer of ’85, and when you talk about pop culture moments, New Coke was a really big deal. It would have been more bizarre to not include it.”