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The Best Advice You Give, Based On Your Sign


It can be hard for this sign to lie, making them excellent at giving relationship advice. Need a truthful opinion about the fight you and your boo just had? Go to an Aries. They will give you that tough love.


Taurus you are logical and incredibly helpful when someone is in the middle of a crisis. If you're experiencing drama at work, a Taurus can put emotions aside and look at the facts.


If anyone knows how to have a good time, it's you. They get bored easily, so they're always working to keep things interesting. When you're planning an upcoming trip, Gemini will have the best travel advice.


Cancers have a strong sixth sense, and they can offer advice about mostly anything. Even when you don't have the slightest clue on what you to do. Sometimes our gut feeling isn’t there and we need guidance.


The lion is fierce and strong, proud and independent. But there's one specific scenario where you do give the best advice: after a break-up. Need help healing and finding the strength to move on? Find a Leo you trust and listen up.


Virgos are really good in situations revolving around money. If you're having financial problems, a Virgo will look at the whole thing from a logical standpoint and give you very helpful advice.


Nobody has an eye for detail like you. They know what looks good and can take anything ordinary and turn it into a masterpiece. For example, Libra is the perfect buddy to invite over when you're trying to redecorate your home or office.


Scorpio is known to be independent. If you're moving out to your own place for the first time and need guidance, find a Scorpio. They'll help you get through the transition and teach you what you need to know to survive.


Sagittarius you are very brave. If you've been itching to ask for a raise at work but your nerves are getting the best of you, Sagittarius can help you come up with the best game plan to figure out exactly what you need to say.


Nobody is more disciplined than you. Because of that you’re the best at giving advice about self-care. If you're trying to find the motivation to start a new routine, quit smoking, or save money, a Capricorn can help.


Aquarius is known to be level-headed. If you're dealing with high-anxiety, Aquarius is the one to help you calm your nerves.


Pisces is there to calm you down. We can all agree that nobody knows how to push your buttons like your family. If your anger is building because your mom won't get off your case or your brother is annoying you, seek advice from a Pisces. They're pros at managing their temper.