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Each Horoscope Signs Money Mantra

Money Mantras To Attract Prosperity or to bring you peace

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Your mantra: "Each step I take is a step towards more abundance and prosperity.”

Raw citrine

Your ritual: Grab a citrine. Known as the "money stone," citrine amplifies willpower and motivation, helping you focus on a goal. It's especially good for financial goals like saving, investing, or resisting spending urges. Keep one close by to curb your spontaneous splurges and spending sprees.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Your mantra: "There is more than enough for all beings on this planet.”

Calcite Crystal Mix and Match set

Your ritual: Keep a calcite close by to ease your financial issues. This crystal is said to release money-related emotional blockages. You tend to overthink things and, when it comes to your finances, this could actually be causing more problems than it solves. Sleep with it under your pillow to release your fears.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

Your mantra: "Goodthings are flowing my way today and every day.”

Two bunches of thyme

Your ritual: Create a thyme money talisman to attract fair treatment. Wrap a dollar bill around three sprigs of thyme and tie it up with a thread. On the next Full Moon, bury the bundle in your garden or a plant pot, and soon your situation will improve. When it does, dig the bundle up and spend the dollar!

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Your mantra: "I am always provided for.”

Raw green aventurine

Your ritual: Carry an aventurine to help prevent spending sprees caused by envy or by trying to keep up with the Kardashians (seriously, you don't need 14 Friesian horses!). Aventurine helps dissolve jealousy and the need to compare yourself to others. It can also help you stay on track with your savings and investment plans, which you love building up—they create that sense of security you crave.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Your mantra: "Today, exactly the right people are showing up for me, in exactly the right way, to help me achieve my goals.”

Set of 10 ritual white beeswax candles

Your ritual: Craft an abundance spell! All you need are some coins (the more valuable, the better) and a white candle. Light the candle, close your eyes, and visualize your financial goals. Take the coins and scatter them somewhere they won’t be disturbed (under your bed or a rug, or at the bottom of your closet). As you do so , repeat, "Scatter money on the floor, watch it come through the door." Repeat this process ten times around your home. And then chill while you wait for the cash to arrive.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Your mantra: "Money is still circulating in the world, and it’s safe for me to share my services today.”

Yellow shweshwe coin purse

Your ritual: Use the New Moon energy. During the next New Moon, take your purse or wallet outside and stand there quietly, gazing up at the Moon. Then, hold your cash, coins, or cards, and say, "Moonlight, bring fortune to me this day." After this, you're likely to keep finding unexpected money all around you. 

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Your mantra: "The world will always help me on my journey.”

Your ritual: to Carry a sunstone and take charge. Sunstones helps you hold your ground and stop saying "yes" when you should be saying “no." It’s a great stone to have around, whether you’re going for a promotion or being your own boss. 


Your mantra: "I take steps every day to align with, and achieve, my goals.”

Fresh Basil Leaves

Your ritual: Ask Mother Nature for help. Take a permanent marker and a leaf (basil, thyme, and nutmeg are particularly good for this, but any leaf will work). Write or draw what you most need or want financially onto the leaf, then put it on the ground, place it under a stone, or cast it into flowing water so it can take your wish back to the Earth.

SAGITTARIUS. (November 22 – December 21)

Your mantra: "I am taking actions that will bring me abundance today.”

Raw Peridot Crystal

Your ritual: Get your ruling planet Jupiter involved.On a Thursday (which is Jupiter's day, JSYK), print out a picture of Jupiter and place it somewhere safe and special at home. Then, put a peridot crystal on top of it and sprinkle some cinnamon over the crystal. Say what you’re hoping for, financially, out loud, and then leave your little collection there, untouched, for a full lunar cycle. By then, progress will be made!

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)

Your mantra: “I'm earning enough money every month.”

Dried Bay Leaf

Your ritual: On the next New Moon Capricorn, write your financial goals or wishes on a piece of paper as you picture it happening. Place three bay leaves inside a paper and fold it three times. Visualize your dream happening, and then fold the paper three more times.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Your mantra: "I am made from the same creative energy that made the stars and the Universe.”

Monstera Weekly Plan note pad

Your ritual: Get the right timing. Start to plan your financial actions around certain, well-placed days of the week. Like this: Sunday is lucky for selling; Monday is linked to the Moon and therefore a day to act on your hunches; Tuesday is linked to Mars and is good for action and ambition; Wednesday is linked to Mercury and is all about communication; Thursday is a generally lucky day, thanks to Jupiter; Friday is linked to Venus and is a day for beauty and harmony, so use it to re-charge or socialize; and Saturn is linked to Saturn, planet of structure, so use it to plan out your next week!

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Your mantra: "I am intuitively guided to the opportunities that will provide prosperity.”

2 Rough Tiger Eye Crystals

Your ritual: Use Tiger Eye Crystals to attract abundance.These crystals have a magic power that bring wealth. Hold it close to you and ask to be blessed with good fortune on a Full Moon night, then leave the gem by the window.