Here are the zodiac signs who hold onto a grudge, ranked.
1. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
You don't want to ever screw over a Scorpio; they'll make it their life's mission to make you pay.
Scorpios are champion grudge-holders because they never forget and they never stop thinking of ways to enact their revenge. Think of all the intensity and passion a Scorpio has, and then imagine that as negative energy directed at you.
It's very hard to get a Scorpio to forgive, or at least dial down the intensity. Pretending that you didn't do what the Scorpio thinks you did won't help you, because they hate liars the most.
2. Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
If you hurt Taurus, they've got the time and the patience to go over it repeatedly in their head.
They might not want payback like Scorpio, but know that whenever you interact with them (and even when you don't), they remember in vivid detail every misstep, wrongdoing, and mistake you made.
If you interfered with their self-image or happiness, you've got a permanent place on their "list."
3. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorns have an imaginary scoreboard with them at all times, so whenever they need to call you out for doing wrong by them, it's right there.
They can forgive as long, as it has nothing to do with their career.
But if you badmouth them to their supervisor or make them look foolish in front of someone they wanted to impress, they're not gonna let it go. Someday, some way, they are going to punish you.
4. Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Leos have a lot of people in their life, so if you do something negative to them, they'll just cut you off like you were a growth on their foot.
They don't need to come to a middle ground if you were disloyal or tried to steal their glory; you're gone and probably completely forgotten. If you bruise their ego, it will be tough but possible to crawl back into their good graces.
5. Aries (March 21 - April 19)
The good thing about doing something to Aries is that they're going to let you know right away that you've made them angry.
If you don't do anything to right your wrong, they're never going to forget it. You might think they're over it with their smiles and friendliness, but your wrongdoing, disrespect, or betrayal still stings.
They're very good at playing the long game, and when you least expect it, they're going to punish you. Now, once you've had your comeuppance and Aries feels better, they may allow you back into their lives, but they probably will never trust you again.
6. Libra (September 23 - October 22)
You'd think that a sign so balanced wouldn't hold grudges, but Libras do —and big time.
You might never know that Libra is holding a grudge against you. They'd rather go over what you did that made them angry in their head, while being charming to your face.
They won't want to physically hurt you but they may do something like delete all your pictures. If they don't express their grudge in some way, they can hold onto it for a long time.
7. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Holding onto grudges isn't an attractive trait, so Gemini likes to pretend they don't.
They'll give lip service to how they forgive you, and that whatever you did was no big thing. But they don't forget.
Some time down the line, they will bring it up, or it may influence a decision they make that can affect you. But seriously, no hard feelings... except when there are some.
8. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Virgo can hold a grudge, but they're not gonna to try to destroy you (they're too soft-hearted).
They'll want to teach you a lesson about how you need to watch what you do and say when it comes to other people.
Virgo is not a vengeful sign, so you don't have to worry about them messing you up big time.
9. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer may not hang on to grudges per se, but they do hold on to real and imagined hurts.
They can be spiteful if you hurt them, but generally, they want to be able to forgive you for their own sake. They're very emotional and sometimes their heart takes over, making them behave in illogical ways.
The longer they ruminate on a past love gone wrong or a misdeed, the worse it becomes. They don't want to cause someone else pain, but sometimes that's the only way for them to move on.
10. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
If you cross a Sagittarius, they're going to curse you out and make you feel horribly. However, once you've been put on blast, they'll start to feel better.
They don't like to fester in negative feelings. If they perceive that you've done something that will get in the way of their happiness, they get angry, but they don't plot ways to make you pay.
They have a meltdown, say things that will hit you in your soft underbelly, but after that, they'll soon be sharing a joke with you.
11. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarius tends not to hold on to grudges — they have too many other things to think about, create, and plan.
They might not necessarily forgive you if you throw them under the bus, but your misdeed won't be on repeat in their head. They don't like to focus on the negative of a situation, but try to see the positive.
If you threaten them, Aquarius' best defense is just to remove you from their periphery and go forward with whatever new project they're creating.
12. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces are all about giving people second chances, forgiving them, and opening their hearts.
They’ll get hurt, but instead of focusing on the person who hurt them, they internalize their pain. They tend to blame themselves more than other people.
It's not that Pisces are naive, they're just very forgiving and hope for the best in people.