Earlier this month, Vanna White revealed that her father, Herbert White, Jr., had passed away at the age of 96, and on Monday's show, she shared more heartbreaking news. Following the bonus round, just before the credits rolled, Vanna announced that her cat, Stella, had died at the age of 16.
As her voice shook, White told host Pat Sajak, "She's such a big member of our family and she's going to be missed so much and love her to death." Pat then confessed to teasing Vanna about Stella over the years but stated how everyone loved hearing about her. He then introduced a tribute to White's longtime companion that showed photos of Vanna with her pet, and included clips of times White spoke about Stella on the show.
Following the emotional video, Pat turned to his teary-eyed co-host and said, "I'm so sorry about that."
Fans were touched by the tribute and sent their condolences to White on Twitter, writing things like, "I want you to know we are so sorry. Show tribute was so touching," and, "Dammit, 'Wheel of Fortune' making me get all weepy about Vanna's cat Stella," and, "Just over here with tears watching 'Wheel of Fortune.' A lovely tribute to Vanna White's kitty Stella."
Vanna's followers on Instagram have been treated to pics of Stella over the years and will undoubtedly miss seeing photos of the beloved cat.
You can stay up to date with Vanna here.