Kyle, Payton, Addy, and Jena Rose backstage
Jena Rose with a cute pup
The JJR crew with Jena Rose
Jena Rose on stage
The JJR crew with JAX
JJR crew with JAX
Payton and the cute pup Scoob
Johnjay and Trinidad
Payton and JAX on the BeReal app
The JJR crew getting ready for everyone to be let in at #LovePup Family Fest
Johnjay, Rich, and Suzette on air during Suzette's show!
JAX soundcheck
Payton and Suzette on air during Suzette's show!
JAX in the 104.7 KISS FM studios
Payton and JAX upside down selfie
JAX rapping for us for #LovePup Family Fest
JAX in studio with JJR