Find Station


1. **Pisces** – Procrastination royalty. You daydream through deadlines but pull off miracles at the last second. Pure magic, pure chaos.  

2. **Sagittarius** – You plan to start, and then get distracted planning your next adventure. It’ll happen... eventually. Last-minute adrenaline is your bestie.  

3. **Libra** – You can’t decide whether to start now or later, so you will stall. You’ll look good doing it, though, and somehow charm your way through.  

4. **Gemini** – You have 12 tabs open and forgot about the deadline. You’re a multitasking pro, but you need to *focus*... maybe after that random internet rabbit hole you just went down.  

5. **Aquarius** – You’re plotting how to save the world and pushing off smaller tasks. But when will you finally focus? It’s genius-level work.  

6. **Cancer** – You procrastinate when you’re in your feels but you get a second wind when the emotional storm clears. Mood swings dictate productivity for my Cancers.

7. **Leo** – You thrive on the drama of last-minute heroics. You *want* everyone to see their victory lap when you finally finish.

8. **Aries** – You’re not a natural procrastinator, but if someone says an Aries can’t finish in time? Bet. They’ll knock it out just to prove you wrong.   

9. **Taurus** – Slow and steady. A Taurus doesn’t rush. Procrastination isn’t your vibe, but you’ll only do it when you’re good and ready.  

10. **Capricorn** – A Capricorn is probably already finished with everything they need to do. You’re probably onto the next project by now.  

11. **Virgo** – A Virgo is already three steps ahead. Procrastination is a foreign concept to Virgos—you’ve got it all color-coded and planned out.  

12. **Scorpio** – You have the task done before you even thought about it. You don’t procrastinate, and you don’t feel the need to tell you how they got it done already. Mysterious productivity.