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PAYTON'S PREDICTIONS: How Are You When You're Hangry?

Aries ♈ – Zero to 100, Real Quick

You’re already a fiery sign, but when hunger hits? Ohhh, it’s game over. One minute, you’re fine. The next, you’re rage-texting and ready to fight anyone who looks at you wrong. Just feed Aries first if you want to survive.

Taurus ♉ – Food or Death, No In Between

If Taurus says they’re hungry, you have exactly 2.5 minutes to present a snack before they start questioning your entire friendship. They don’t do well with waiting, and if food isn’t on the way, they will get dramatic about it.

Gemini ♊ – Mood Swings Galore

A hangry Gemini is two different people fighting for control. One minute, they’re sweet and trying to hold it together. The next, they’re giving you an attitude for absolutely no reason. Just shove a snack in their mouth, and they’ll be back to their usual chatty selves.

Cancer ♋ – Sad and Starving

Cancers don’t just get hungry, they get emotionally distressed about it. They won’t just say they’re hangry; they’ll sigh dramatically and make you feel guilty for not reading their mind and feeding them earlier. "It’s fine… I’ll just suffer…"

Leo ♌ – The Diva Meltdown

Listen, Leo doesn’t just get hangry; they get offended that food isn’t magically in front of them. If they’re hungry, you will hear about it. The drama level? Oscar-worthy. They need their meal NOW, and they will make a scene about it.

Virgo ♍ – The Silent Judger

Virgo won’t say they’re hangry… but they’ll start getting real picky and irritated. Suddenly, everything is annoying them, and they have notes on everything you’re doing. Just hand them a granola bar before they critique your entire existence.

Libra ♎ – The Indecisive Nightmare

A hangry Libra is the worst person to ask, "What do you want to eat?" They don’t know, but they do know they’re about to pass out. By the time they finally decide, you’re already on the verge of starvation too. Just pick for them.

Scorpio ♏ – Dangerous Territory

A hangry Scorpio? Run. They won’t just be annoyed—they’ll hold grudges over the fact that you let them get this hungry. It’s giving revenge energy. The longer they go without food, the scarier they get.

Sagittarius ♐ – The Overreactor

Sagittarius will act like they are literally dying of starvation. Like, relax, you ate three hours ago. They’ll make it everyone’s problem and start making impulsive, terrible food decisions just to stop the suffering.

Capricorn ♑ – Work First, Eat Later (Until It’s Too Late)

Capricorns are too busy to realize they’re hungry—until they’re full-on about to pass out. Then they get snappy, short-tempered, and mad at the world. They’ll keep working through it, though.

Aquarius ♒ – The "I Forgot to Eat" Person

Aquarius doesn’t mean to get hangry; they just… forget food is a thing until they’re suddenly dizzy and cranky. Then they’ll eat one snack and pretend they’re fine. You are not fine, Aquarius.

Pisces ♓ – The Whiny Baby

Pisces when they’re hangry? Pure suffering. They’ll make it so dramatic, sighing, pouting, maybe even shedding a tear. “Why is life like this?” Girl, you just need a sandwich.