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This month is going to feel like a trip to Vegas.

BECAUSE YOU'RE HERE TO WIN, and you're going to put everything on the line to do so, especially during the first three days of the month.

During the 6th, 7th and 8th of the month, make sure to wake up and get your grind on because that’s when you’re going to see the most success.


This month is going to be about keeping a positive attitude, because someone in your personal and business life will be rubbing you the wrong way today and tomorrow. Instead of thinking people as annoying, try to think of them as an "interesting challenge." By the 15th, you're going to be ready to get out there and socialize, which will be an important ingredient to your overall wellbeing


WELL, IF IT ISN'T GEMINI, THE ASTROLOGICAL FAVORITE OF THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY. You are going to be proving yourself to be a genius this month, so get ready to impress everyone with your smarts as the month kicks off. By the 8th, be sure to open up about what you really want. You've proven yourself to be an impressive person, so you're likely to get whatever it is you're after. 


In the beginning of the month, you're going to be tested in a way that stirs up your emotions. Be sure to take note of how you're feeling, and let those feelings be heard. By the 8th of the month, you'll be ready to make some decisions about cutting out things in your life that are no longer serving you, and by the 13th, you'll be feeling empowered enough to try something new and risky — in a good way.


Today and tomorrow, you and your ego may be at odds, so it's a good time to check in with yourself about what you really want. Remember, your ego doesn't always know what's best for you. The 5th is a good time to take a rain check on social engagements, and the 8th seems to be a good day to go learn something new. On the 13th, you'll probably need some input from friends on an issue that is bothering you, so set some time aside to catch up with your besties.


You're going to be so full of surprises at the beginning of the month that you'll be shocking yourself. You'll be taking some new approaches to get what you want, and it's sure to be an exciting time. On the 12th and 13th, go over your projects with that fantastic eye for detail that you have, but be sure to be gracious when bringing up the flaws you see in them.


Get ready for the first three days of the month to be the most romantic and fun days you've seen in a while. Try not to take them too seriously or get too wrapped up in "what it all means" because again, this is about fun, and the romance is a lovely benefit of it all. By the 12th, 13th and 16th, you're going to be tapping into all your positive energy and hanging out with friends.


This month is going to be all about facing the music. The good news is, there's no better sign at tackling issues as head on as you do. Things are going to be tough at home today and tomorrow, and there's going to be no way around it but "through." If there's something you've been avoiding with your person, get ready to hash it out. Today is the day to put it behind you.


As the month kicks off, you are shining brighter than the diamond that is Rihanna, and people are going to notice. You could sell ice to an eskimo, so be sure to capitalize on the first three days of the month when your charm is at an all-time high and you're feeling confident. On the 8th, you'll benefit by giving into that Sagittarius urge to get outside and go exploring. So, maybe bring that special friend you've been seeing with you!


The first three days of the month are good for doing some long-term planning. On the 8th, you'll have the opportunity to decide whether or not you should act on those plans now or later, which is a good thing because you'll have the courage of your convictions on your side. Trust your gut. On the 13th, stay away from flaky types of people who might distract you from the natural clarity you will feel about what you want and how to go about getting it.


You're going to be pretty amazed by the quality of your ideas on the 6th, 7th and 8th. So, get your visionary powers together and get down to turning those ideas into a reality. Don't waste time getting lost in your own head, as you're so apt to do. Just Make it happen. You're also going to be in a very mental place on the 20th and 21st, so jot everything down, even if you don't know where your ideas are taking you.


Pisces, on the 5th 6th and 7th, you'll be hit with some good news, with more good news and then a congratulatory pat on the back by some higher-ups. Your life is going to be full of romance around the 9th, so make some time for you and your babe to love on each other. You've been so focused on your career, but all this romance will inspire a wave of creativity that can only benefit your life at work as well.